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•   Kathy Dever (Snell)  9/22
•   Steven Goeser  9/8
•   Linda Switzer (Clopton)  8/21
•   Robert W. Julian  7/15
•   Dayna Mershell (Taylor)  7/6
•   Judy A. Winlund (Giampa)  7/3
•   Pamela J. Wilson (Reese)  6/29
•   Richard "Ricky" Ramos  6/24
•   Bill Crowl  6/19
•   Joel A. Nelsen  6/19
Show More


•   Danny L. Hansford  10/23
•   Dennis J. Reed  10/30
•   Marsha K. Heidt (Lywandowsky)  11/1
•   Richard "Ricky" Ramos  11/1
•   Richard P. Tedesco  11/4
•   Betsy Wagner  11/4
•   Robert D. Burnard  11/6
•   Cheryl Crispino (Gill)  11/7
•   Dennis D. Van Vliet  11/8
•   Richard Wulff  11/8
•   Margaret L. (Peggy) Cunningham (Clampitt)  11/10
•   Larry Gooss  11/12
•   Yvonne C. Hudson (Keller)  11/15
•   Paul Drexler  11/16
•   Sammee (Nee Susan) Berlowe (Gammack)  11/18


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 42.4%

A:   190   Joined
B:   258   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Alabama
12 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
251 live in California
11 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
5 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
4 live in Hawaii
3 live in Idaho
4 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
4 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
7 live in Montana
5 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
2 live in Oklahoma
8 live in Oregon
5 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
4 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
7 live in Utah
2 live in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
15 live in Washington
2 live in Ontario
2 live in Mexico
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Philippines
1 lives in United Kingdom
45 location unknown


No registered users are online right now.



If you would like to submit a personal announcement to be posted, please use the "contact us" option. Just send whatever you would like posted on the site and I will put it on for you. We would love to know current happenings in your lives.



If you are a Fullerton High School Alumni, Class of 1964, click on  this "Classmate Profiles" link,  then click on your name to register on the site. Create your profile, and please don't forget to add some recent photos of yourself, your family, children and grandchildren.  It's FREE to join, totally secure & password protected



Class of ‘64 I am so sorry about being remiss in my correspondence to our site. This has been an extremely difficult, disappointing past couple of years. Due to so many personal, health and Covid issues that our committee has had to deal with, our meetings have been impacted.

We have been working on our 60th Reunion, but plans have  not been popular or not budget wise. We are going to have a Reunion, but a year late. I, as Chairman, assume responsibility.

We have received the final word that Marbry is resigning as Treasurer, which leaves us with 3 committee members. If any of our classmates would like to join and assume the position, we welcome you! Please contact me through this website if you are interested.

I will try to provide more updates! We love our Class, the best Class, and enjoy all of our get togethers! Virginia



August 2024

A Note to our Class from Cheri (Cher) Burges Bonilla:
I wrote "The Phantasies of Arnold Price" in my twenties when, in protest against the Vietnam War and civil rights issues, I left the U.S. for almosst four years to live and travel in Europe, Morocco, (and eventually in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas.)  Fifty plus years later I resurrected the manuscript, edited, etc and self-published it through Amazon.

It's 1969.  Arnold Price leaves his secure, middle-class life in LA in search of 'truth'.  He travels from LA to San Francisco, tries to enter Mexico, hitchhikes on Route 66 to New York and from there to Spain, Morocco, Istanbul, Tibet, returning to the U.S., going across the country with friends in a drive-away car back to California.  The characters and experiences are based on experienes and people I met and knew during this time.  This is a satire of hippie life written in a style varying from fairly realistic to dream/drug-like scenes.  The chapter headings evoke the spirit of the quest and experience.





April 3, 1946 - June 2024

Sometimes people come into our hearts that make us smile when we think about them.  Bill Brown is just one of those people.  He always had a bright outlook on life and something funny to say. 

I was recently notified that Bill passed away this month and no details are available at this time.  He has a son, Billy and a Sister, that both live in Hawaii.  He lost his beloved wife, Beth in 2022.  The photo of Bill and Beth above was taken at our "50th" Reunion and I have never seen Bill happier.  After many years of being single, he fell in love, they married and moved to Rathdrum (Twin Lakes Village) in Idaho.

I welcome you all to go the the Memory page, find Bill's name and write your favorite memories of him.

He accomplished many things in his life and was an amazing person.  In 2022 Bill and his son, Billy were inducted into the FUHS Wall of Fame.  If you would like to read about all of Bill's lifetime accomplishments, please "CLICK HERE"

You will be missed more than you could ever know Bill.  We all love you.  You were a "Ray of Sunshine" for all who knew you.




MARCH 2, 2024

Hi Class of 1964..........Many of you have been asking me if we are going to have a "60th" Reunion this year.  I wish I had a definite answer for you all, but I don't.  I have not been notified by the current Reunion Committee of their plans.  Your Reunion Committee is Virginia Robles, Peggy Cunningham and Kathy Sherrill.  I would suggest that you send them a message using our website, unless you have their personal emails or use Faceook.  Marbry Ramsey may still be on the Committee also.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.




Paula Hunter

February 24, 1947 - February 6, 2024

We all remember Paula as a girl full of energy and very bright.  She was the Master of Ceremonies at several of our Reunions, and she always knew what to say with basically no script. Paula had a very interesting adult life.  She was independent, very creative and mostly worked alone.  She traveled extensively (take a look at her profile comments she wrote.)
Susan (Sammee) Berlowe reconnected with Paula at Donnie Wodstrchill's memorial service and they had a special friendship for the last several years.  She has passed this information on to us:  Paula has spent the last few years in a Memory Care Facility where she fell and never recovered.  Paula's sister said there would be no memorial service.

RIP our precious Paula.



Dawn Turner (Shapiro) 
March 21, 1946 - January 23, 2024

Dawn passed away in Appleton, WI. after a prolonged illness.  She is survived by 2 sons, 4 grandchildren and her sister, Cathy.
Gail Eisenhart (Belytschko) was her close friend growing up in Fullerton and they had remained friends for decades.  Both became Midwesterners.
Gail has forwarded some personal information to us regarding Dawn's life after high school.   Please visit Dawn's Memory Page to view it.

Many blessings for peace to Dawn's family


January 23, 1947-January 24, 2024Terry Amick

It is with great sadness that I am letting you  know that our friend and classmate, Terry Amick has passed away in Phoenix Arizona. Terry passed away on January 24, 2024 after being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.  He leaves behind his wife, Julie. (At this time I do not have any information on Terry's family members). 

Terry was very well liked by all that knew him. He participated from time to time in the Old Guys Lunch Bunch who meet monthly. 

Our 1964 FUHS Class sends Blessings for comfort to Terry's family.

Thank you to Steve Maurer for forwarding this information to us.



October 2023 - Road Trip.....Billy & Ron
Winetasting in Los Olivos



5 Idaho Girls + 1 Washington Girl
Leah (Smith) Grant came to Idaho for a visit with
her longtime friend, Donna.  We were all fortunate

that we could spend a wonderful afternoon
having lunch and visiting
with her.
(L-R)  Tracey, Donna, Phyllis, Judy, Leah & Cindy
  July 18, 2023    




"FUHS Guys Night" - June 29, 2023
(L to R):  Bill Bales (65), Jeff Layton, Bill Darke (65), Ricky Ramos, Teddy Owens,
Bill Vasquez, Ron Romo and Chuck Torrez (65)



I want to let you all know that as of October 2022, our Website has been renewed for 5 more years.  Thank you to all that commented and expressed interest in keeping it going and to all of you that contributed to the support of our Website.  As I have said many times, "This site is for YOU, the Awesome Class of FUHS 1964.   Please take a moment to let us hear from you. Also, be sure to update your profile if you have changed your e-mail or moved.  All of the Class Emails go the original email you signed up with unless you update.




Thank you to Virginia Robles for sending us this memorable clip of the early sixties Harmony Park Ballroom, featuring Dick Dale.  Enjoy and remember those great days!  Click on the link to view. 



We have 2 amazing classmates that have achieved great accomplishments this year.  They are Bill Brown and Dennis Reed.  Please continue reading to see their achievements

On October 7, 2022 Bill Brown, Class of 1964 and his son, Billy Brown Class of 1996, will be inducted into the FUHS Wall of Fame.  Reagan Glidewell, FUHS Junior Managing Editor of the Tribe Tribune wrote amazing articles of each of the inductees.  To read these amazing articles, please go to the web page on this site titled "What's Happening 2021-2023" or  CLICK HERE.   



August, 2022

Prayers and Blessings for Launa (Jeffrey) Gillette and her family for the passing of her husband, Curt Gillette of 30+ years. He was a devoted Christian man who was loved by all who knew him.



 AUGUST 2022

Classmates:  Enjoy the following story and photo that Bob Middleton sent for you all to enjoy. I, personally, think YOU ALL LOOK GREAT!!  Keep doing whatever you're doing.

For the fellow classmates from the graduating class of 1964, I wanted to let you know that these four menaces of society are still upright and kicking, even though at a much slower pace than years past.  If you don't recognize these fellow classmates after 58 years, they are, from left to right, Craig Painter, Steve Christman, Bob Middleton and Mike LaMarche.  We all live on the Central Coast with Craig and Bob living in Carmel Valley while Steve and Mike live in Santa Cruz.  Besides the normal ailments such as Knee replacements, lung cancer, hip replacements and heart valve surgery, just to mention a few, we almost feel as spry as we did in high school.  (Ha, Ha)  We make sure we have lunch together at least once every three months so someone can brag about his most recent surgery.  As Steve said, in our youth, our conversations would be mostly about the "young ladies", cars and sports.  Today, all we talk about are different ailments we tolerate such as neck, shoulder and back pain, constipation, how long of a nap we take each day and the difficulty of just getting out of bed each morning.  What can I say.  I am sure we are not alone with these conditions. (Are we?)  At least we have so far mostly defied gravity and are still standing, even though it might be for just a few hours a day before, once again,  gravity takes over and back to our favorite recliner we go.  Isn't getting older GREAT!!??



Thank you to Claire (Heyworth) Towle for sending this photo of the Class of 1962, 60th Reunion.  It was held on August 24th, 2022 at Alta Vista Country Club.  Her husband, Dennis Towle is in this class.




As most of you know by now, it is unanimous amongst our FUHS Class of 1964, that you would like the site to continue indefinitely.  Thanks to the generous contributions from the following Classmates, I will renew the Website for 5 more years in October. A sincere "Thank You" to everyone who responded to my email.

Bruce Reno
Claire (Heyworth) Towle
Cheryl (Crispino) Gill
Dee (Unverferth) Fisher
Dennis Reed
Ernie Manuel
John Snow
Kathy (Dever) Snell
Kathy (Sherrill) Kirlin
Linda (Switzer) Clopton
Ron Romo
Gail (Wymer) Melanio




"Lunch with Beth (Kinney) Berndt & Claire (Heyworth) Towle".
Beth and Claire meet often for lunch and welcome anyone who would like to join them to contact either of them through our website.






Many of you have asked if there is any information on the passing of our Classmate, Scott Haith on August 10, 2021. Dayna (Mershell) Taylor had stayed in contact with him throughout the years and has been able to contact Scott's daughter who relayed the following information. She also said it would be ok to put it on our Website.
Scott was diagnosed in the early summer of 2021 with T-Cell Lymphoma.  He received one round of Chemo which he did not react well to and never recovered.  He passed just a few months later.

My original post of his passing is located further down this page.




FUHS Class of 1964......this is the BEST NEWS we have heard in a very long time....Our Own Bill Brown AND his son, Billy are BOTH being Inducted into the FUHS Wall of FAME on October 7, 2022.  Bill and Billy, your classmates are so proud of all your amazing accomplishments and this wonderful Honor you are about to receive.




If you are interested in seeing the entire list of the
"Wall of Fame Inductees",



July 2022, The Guys Get Together at the Yard House
and Ron Kenny came down from the Gold Country.
Contact Ron Romo through this site if you'd like to
join this fun group




June 2022

FUHS Guys (along with Anaheim High, Western High & LaHabra High), attending  The Leon Owen's Golf Tournament and Dinner.  It is an event that literally changes lives.  Bill Darke (class of 65) organized this group's attendance. Guys in the photo from FUHS are; Ron Romo, Ted Owens, Billy Vasquez, Jeff Layton, (Chuck Torrez, Bill Darke, Bill Bales class of 1965) and Tom Darke.



Robert Edward Bethel
April 19, 1946 - January 23, 2022



Sadley, another classmate has recently passed.  For those of us that attended our 50th Reunion, we were fortunate to see Bob and his wife, Jean. We all wish Bob's Family peace during this difficult time.


Robert Edward "Bob" Bethel, age 75, of Ontario, California went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, January 23, 2022. Born on April 19, 1946, the son of the late Robert Boyd Bethel & the late Patricia Corene (Carpenter) Bethel. Preceded in death by Step-dad Wilford Steele; Sister Roberta Bailey.

Bob graduated from Fullerton High School, class of 1964. A Veteran of Foreign Wars, he served his country in Vietnam from 1967-1969. He held both a BS, MS, degree in Mechanical Engineering from California State University, Fullerton and an MBA from the University of La Verne. Bob had a 40+ years successful and fulfilling career in the Petro Chemical Engineering Industry. He enjoyed Classic Cars, was an avid reader and found pleasure in listening to his favorite tunes in his garage, as he dreamt up his next car restoration project.

He leaves behind his beloved wife of 52 years, Jean Bethel (Gunkel); his three children, daughter Jody Walters of Bluemont, VA, and husband Sean Walters; daughter Bobbie Hinks of Ontario, CA and husband Erick Hinks; son Ryan Bethel of Ontario, CA. Known best as "Papa", he leaves behind 12 Grandchildren: (Jody's) Kyle, Kaden, Madden, Hattie, Sawyer; (Bobbie's) Breanna, Jaden Hunter, Paige, Harleigh, Dustin, Austin. Waiting for him in heaven, is his grand-dog Rylee Bethel (Ryan's child). He also leaves behind a sister Mona Mash of Fullerton, CA and husband Harry Mash; along with extended family and many friends.

He will be greatly missed!

A committal service for Robert will be held Tuesday, March 15, 2022 from 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM at Riverside National Cemetery, 22495 Van Buren Blvd, Riverside, CA 92518.

Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Bethel family.





Scott Clinton Haith
September 11, 1946 - August 10, 2021

I am so sorry that I do not know the details of Scott's passing.  Scott's passing is very personal to me.  He was my FUHS Marching Partner and we remained long distance friends well into our senior years.  After making numerous e-mail attempts to contact him with no reply, I felt that something was terribly wrong. After some research, I learned that Scott had passed away.
Things that I know about Scott:  He lived on a ranch in Caliente, California and loved it.  It was his childhood dream to own a ranch.  He loved animals, especially his dogs and horses. (if you look at his profile on this site, you will see some of the photos he posted reflecting his life).  Scott was a Christian and when he lost his son a number of years back, his faith deepened, trying to understand.  Soon after his son passed, his daughter gave him twin granddaughters  which he adored. ( Take a look at the adorable photos he posted on his profile of them).  He was a proud Grandpa.  Scott was also an avid motorcycle rider, taking very long trips with his lawyer motorcycle group.  He was an accomplished lawyer in Valencia California well into his senior years.
My personal feelings are that Scott had a wonderful life.  He was successful in business and living the life he wanted and loved and had a loving family.
I will miss hearing about his "next motorcycle adventure", but I know he is smiling down on all his FUHS Classmates. 
Rest in Peace Dear Friend



August 2021
The FUHS Class of 64 and 65 Boys
Have Started Up Their Get-Togethers Again.
Contact Ron Romo through this site if interested.



Thank you for reading my recent "All Class E-mail" of March 1, 2021.  If you did not see it, I was basically asking for your help in making our site a little more exciting and interesting by simply updating us on "What's Happening With You in 2021".  A few of you responded and I thank you profusely, but I would be thrilled to receive a lot more.  Please just take a moment (use the "Contact Us" Form at the top of this page) and give us an update on what is going on with you.  I will take your information and put it on our new page titled "Whats Happening 2021". Now that Covid is winding down (hopefully), we should all have a renewed zest for life! Let's get back to friends and relationships and reach out to each other.  To see what a few have been up to, click on the gold button.






(L to R):  Phyllis Taylor, Cindy Edmiston,
Donna Stemple, Judy Vediner, Tracey Hanson




Bill Brown sent this photo of a 1958
Fullerton  Pop Warner Football Team
I found an old photo, actually a team picture of a 1958 Fullerton Pop Warner Football Team.  There are 23 7th grader boys in the photo wearing football uniforms and helmets.  I would guess that most of the boys were destined to become members of the class of '64 at FUHS.  I recognized myself and possibly a few other guys but 61 years have dimmed my memory.  The photo is interesting because some of the boys have white athletic training tape on the front of their helmets. This was because the helmets were so poorly made - they had no padding, just two canvas straps that criss-crossed at the top of the head. A very poor design. Therefore the straps would slip and misalign causing the head to make contact with the plastic shell. Not good. This was truly a concussion farm - right there on the playground of Raymond school.
I don't know why they wanted to have the picture taken with our helmets on, it did make it harder to recognize faces and the silly plastic bar across the face doesn't help. Sigh, sorry for the rant but the issue of concussions and post concussion syndrome has 
been very important to me for some time. I think Bob Miller (63) is next to Ronny Romo (72) in the front row. That is probably Bobby Gienapp (51) in the top row. I'm #41, the guy whose head is not screwed on straight. Bob Miller could also be at the right end of the second row. How about those Marine Drill instructor wannabe's who were the coaches? Oh well. Sixty one years later..




The 55th Reunion Photos can be seen by clicking on the left column entitled "55th Reunion Photos".  There are not very many, but thank you to Nancy Hinrichs and Steve Maurer for contributing the few we have.  If anyone has more photos, please contact me through the "contact us form" and I will let you know how to send them.



Message from Committee Chariman,
Virginia Robles

The reunion committee want to thank all that came to celebrate being FUHS Indian. We also want express a Big Thanks to all the support given this ‘newby’ Committee by our retired Committee who gave great advice, walked us through solutions of possible problems! THANK YOU! “We are the Indians, the mighty, mighty Indians!” 

Well folks, the 55th Reunion is over and it was a tremendous success.  It was smaller than some of our other reunions, but this gave us a chance to really sit down and visit with everyone.  The food was great and the set up was unique.  Our reception/appetizer/bar area was in the middle of the Embassy Suites on the main floor, with our dinner area in a separate room to the left and dancing and photo booth in a separate room to the right. Once again Diana decorated in her usual beautiful style with so many memories to look at and enjoy.  There were a few classmates that attended for the first time since our Graduation.  The DJ played a great selection of music and some danced the night away.  It was nice to have the Bar and Reception in a separate area from the Music, so we could visit without having to shout.

Thank you to Virginia, Mabry, Peggy and Kathy for making our "55th" a very special and memorable one.





Fullerton Recently Spent $4 Million restornig Hillcrest's Fountain and Great Lawn. It is Beautiful! Water is flowing from the fountain again for the first time in 40 years. 

Both were projects originally built for the city by the Works Progress Administration, an agency borne out of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policy to move out of the Great Depression and get people employed by doing public works projects.

Hillcrest Park has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places.



1930's Hillcrest Park Fountain & Great Lawn


2018 "Pow Wow" 
Class of 1964



The "Boys" Nite Out 8/10/2017
L to R: Ron Romo, Terry Amick, Chuck Torrez, Bill Darke,
Steve Maurer, Jeff Layton, Ron Kenny, Bill Bales




1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture..
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are animal organs .. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?  How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out , and in which an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

AND...... - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick'?




Hey there Class of 1964.........Do you remember John Goddard?  He was such an amazing and inspirational man who came to our assemblys in the Plummer Auditorium every year, telling us of his latest adventures.  When he was only 15 years old, he listed 127 lifetime goals for himself.   He has passed on now, but if you would like to read more about his interesting life and many achievements, please "click here".

John Goddard





Claudia (Schneider) and Jim Looney celebrating their "50th" wedding anniversary. Their son, Chris and his wife Anisha, hosted a fabulous evening of dinner, dancing and lots of memories with family and friends at the Center Club in Costa Mesa.


Diane (Key) and Wayne Ostreich celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on a cruise to Alaska



Message from Steven Goeser:  I am looking for contact information for Chris Knudsen.  If anyone has any information on him, please contact me through this website.



Keep Scrolling Down.....

                There's a lot more

 Click here for the "Trivia Page".


Take a look at the page titled "Your Memories".  "Click Here" to read the stories that our classmates have sent in.  Please send me your stories using the "Contact Us" tab.  There must be SO MANY more great stories.


Can you remember what you paid for fast food at McDonalds in the early 1960's?
"Click Here" to see the 1960 McDonalds Menu that Bob Miller found and sent in.


Other Memories:  Senior Corner, The Bull Rings, Prom, Sock Hops, Hillside Drive-In, Hillcrest Park, The Teen Center, Fox Theater, The Turntable, Harrington Lumber Company, "La Chiquita" Boege & Bean, Harris Drug Store, The Pillowry, Pow Wow Parade, Pep Rallies, Spadra, Harvard, Drivers' Ed, Drive-In Movies, The Bean Hut, Fullerton Bowl, The Underground Bookstore, Moore's Ice Cream, Judy Lynn Bakery, Balboa Island (how could we ever forget 15th Street)

$$$$  1962 Prices Compared With Now 
Click Here to View Them


Bob Miller has sent us this great link of 4,500 songs and videos from our youth....
Click on the link below to listen


Try as we might
Happy as we were,
We can't go back
So go forward
but keep in touch once in awhile. :))  Tracey


 Take a peek at the "Classmate Connections" page. This page is all about connections with classmates since high school.  I encourage you to please send me photos and/or stories of classmates that you have connected with over the last 50 years. 




Elementary and Jr. High Photo Page

"Click Here"


Check out the "Guys Page"
Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles Welcome
     "Click Here"




Mack Woolley is the only
classmate that we know of that died in Vietnam.  
Please "Click Here" to go to the "Memory Page",
click on Mack's name and read all the
wonderful comments about him.
Click on the Orange County Register article below: 

Fullerton Class of '64 gives military burial vet deserved


By the way........once you have signed in, you have the option of sending an email or message to a classmate directly from their profiles.  You can also post comments on their profiles and leave rememberances of our departed classmates on the Memory Page



Willie Ugh says:  "Do you remember these words"?



Written by Lilah Esmay in 1912



We are proud of all thy prowess, Fullerton,

And we thy colors bravely bear.

We will be thy loyal subjects ever;

Joy and grief we alike will with thee share.



 Thanks For Visiting.  Come Back Soon.             

Webmaster:  Tracey (Hanson) Janssen


PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, email address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private.  Your street address, email address and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile.  When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state, and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile.  Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page.  Note, however, if you send a message to someone through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address so that they can respond.

DISCLAIMER:  This Website was created for enjoyment purposes only.  It is NOT to be used as a forum for expressing political or religious opinions, or judging what any other classmate has put on their profile information.  Anyone disrespecting the requirement of using this Website will immediately have their membership revoked.  If you experience any inappropriate comments on this Website, please use the "Contact Us" form and let us know.